TSL ePop-Loq Device Mounts

More about TSL ePop-Loq Device Mounts

TSL ePop-Loq Device Mounts are an innovative solution from Technology Solutions (UK) Ltd that allow Hand-Held Terminals to be physically mounted on top of a compatible TSL UHF RFID reader, providing a one-piece UHF RFID Scanning Solution with all the benefits of your preferred mobile platform. TSL's ePop-Loq mounts allow dual charging of both the UHF Reader and a host device. They also enable secure USB data connections. These unique device mounts also allow developers to add unique useabilty features such as waking the terminal when the trigger is pressed and provide a Single-Piece UHF RFID Scanning Solution with ‘breakaway’ feature when dropped. TSL's ePop-Loq mounts can be used with the following readers: TSL 2128 Bluetooth UHF RFID Reader, TSL 2128P Bluetooth UHF RFID Reader, TSL 2128L Bluetooth UHF RFID Reader TSL 2166 Bluetooth Rugged UHF RFID Reader, TSL 3166 Bluetooth Rugged UHF RFID Reader, or the TSL 3138 Bluetooth UHF RFID Reader.