Marketing with RFID

Because Near-Field Communication (NFC) tags are a small, low-cost way to link a physical item or product with digital data, RFID technology is ideal for engaging potential customers in Marketing applications. Most product or service marketing campaigns are built around engaging customers with specific information that is typically accomplished through advertising via tv, mail, newspaper, flyers, or directly on the product itself.

These tags can be incredibly effective for more traditional marketing campaigns like direct mail, product launches, weekly circulars, product displays, magazine advertisements, and product packaging.

Application Examples

Smart Posters

Smart Magazine Ads

Smart Direct Mail

What Can NFC Enable for Print Marketing?

A print marketing campaign can benefit from NFC tags in a few different ways:

Provide More Space
Print and direct mail campaigns are expensive, but NFC tags can be placed on individual mailers to provide more information - digitally. Whether that information is statistics, infographics, or specifications, companies can use this space to provide meaningful information for their customers, without paying for extra ad space.

Enable a Call-to-Action
Some print ads display great information, but don’t tell the consumer what to do next, where to buy the product, or how to sign up to learn more about the brand. NFC tags can pick up where an ad leaves off by taking a consumer directly where the action happens via an NFC tap-and-go tag and a URL.

Display Digital Data
Some services and high-cost products benefit from showing consumers videos of how the product works, real customer reviews, or other interactive learning features. A way for consumers to see these features is to connect their print ads with their digital marketing efforts - through NFC tags.

What Type of NFC Tags are Typically Used in Smart Marketing?

Because most smart marketing or advertising materials are either paper or plastic, most often NFC plastic inlays are used. When choosing an NFC inlay for a specific marketing campaign, there are a few specific options to keep in mind:

Tag Face
There are a few different options for the front face material of an NFC tag. A few examples would be a clear face, white face, or a white face with custom printing. See more details below.

Type of Tag
Before purchasing an NFC tag for marketing, always ensure that the tag will work on most consumer’s smartphones by checking that the Air Interface Protocol, or “ISO” is 14443A or 14443B and the Operating Frequency is 13.56 MHz.

NDEF Compatible
Apple Smart devices specifically require that the NFC tag be in a specific format, the NFC Data Exchange Format, or NDEF. Ensure that your tags adhere to that format so that they are readable with Apple devices.

What Are My Tag Face Options?

An RFID or NFC tag’s face is basically what will show on the tag once it has been adhered to the product or item. Think of this as your company's first impression with the customer. What kind of impression do you want to leave? What kind of experience do you want your customer to have? How the tag looks could drastically improve the chance of the tag being utilized.

Below are the three options:

Clear, Plastic Face

White, Paper Face

White, Paper Face with Printing
A white paper face that has been printed on with instructions or a branded logo.



Shipment/Order Verification

Vehicle Identification


Near Field Communication (NFC)

Internet of Things (IoT)

Interact with Vehicles

Tracking Assets

File Tracking

Hospital Asset Tracking

IT Asset Tracking

Laundry & Textile Tracking

Preventative Maintenance

Returnable Transit Items (RTI)

Tool Tracking

Transportation Asset Management

Library Asset Management

Managing Inventory

Herd Management

Hospital Inventory Control

Luxury Inventory Tracking

Logistics & SCM

Retail Inventory Management

Vehicle Inventory Management

Data about People

Attendee Tracking

Race Timing

Sports Metrics

Tracking Attendance

Data about Objects

Telemetry & Sensor Monitoring


Vehicle Data

Access Control: Buildings

Access Control: Vehicles

Access Control: Neighborhoods

Event Management