Race Timing Bundle
The Race Timing Bundle is a collection of eBooks specific to using RFID to time races, marathons, triathalons, 5ks, fun runs, and more. Instead of reading each of these three eBooks separately, we stitched them together in an all-inclusive and easy-to-read PDF in order to provide you with a convenient way to learn.
What is Included in this Bundle?
This 71-page, Race Timing Bundle contains:
- Race Timing Series: Part 1
- Race Timing Series: Part 2
- Race Timing Series: Part 3
Why Download this Bundle?
Are you thinking about taking your current race timing method to the next level?
This entire Race Timing Series will walk you through all of the factors involved in timing a race with RFID technology. Part One differentiates between the four types of RFID Race Timing Systems, based on factors like cost and upfront RFID knowledge required. Part Two focuses on the individual parts in an RFID Race Timing System, equipment pros and cons, and system setups. Part Three discusses tagging racers, planning for a race, and potential problems - and provides an easy-to-use checklist for race day.
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About RFID
Race Timing
Race Timing Hub
Our Race Timing Hub contains all the information you need about timing races with RFID - on one page. This page answers questions like:
• Why do people make the switch from Manual Timing to RFID Timing?
• What equipment makes up an RFID Race Timing System?
• Who uses RFID for Race Timing?