RFID Resources

Because RFID is complicated, we've created hundreds of resources, dedicated to helping you learn more about RFID and IoT. Take a look at all the categories below, and be sure and contact us if you have any specific questions or don't see what you are looking for.

What Is RFID?

Quick article addressing "What Is RFID?"

Read our quick article to answer your basic questions about RFID technology, like what it is and how it works.

For our more in-depth guide, read "Beginner's Guide to RFID"

RFID Roadmap

Quick Start Guide to RFID

One of our most popular resources to date is our RFID Roadmap. Whether you are brand new to RFID or a little rusty on certain aspects, our RFID Roadmap can easily help you get started. With 10 different specific RFID topics and two unique learning paths, this RFID Roadmap is key to mastering RFID basics, beginner concepts, and hardware functionality. If you can't find something specific on the Roadmap - we have hundreds of articles available to you on our blog.

RFID Insider's Guide

184-page, RFID Book available as a digital or paper-back version

Instead of a jargon-filled whitepaper that leaves you stumped, our 184-page book creates an easy-to-understand approach to Radio Frequency Identification and the most important concepts that go along with it. This book covers individual system components like tags, antennas, readers, and cables and then explains how they work together to create a seamless system. For a limited time only, download the free digital copy here (compatible with most eReaders) or get your hands on the paper-back version, available here.

eBooks & Customer Profiles

eBooks & Customer Profiles

With a collection of eBooks and customer profiles currently at 29 and counting, it's safe to say that at atlasRFIDstore.com you can find one of the largest collections of downloadable RFID content available. Because we are a brand-agnostic hardware retailer, none of our guides will push you towards certain hardware, tags, or software; but instead, simply teach you the importance of certain features/options in relation to real-world RFID applications.


Articles on RFID Technology

RFID Insider, our blog on all things RFID and IoT has over 200 articles that range from beginner-friendly to intermediate concepts. Some of the topics that are covered in our articles include Reader Transmit Power vs. Receive Sensitivity, NFC vs. RFID, and information about each of the RFID frequency ranges.

Infographics & Tools

Infographics, Comparison Guides, Worksheets, & Downloadables

With 10 infographics, 5 comparison guides, and other tools like conversion charts and white papers - each of these RFID tools was created for visual learners to quickly absorb. In this section, we will continue to add easy-to-understand infographics, comparison guides, worksheets designed for the testing process, and conversion tables. These resources are set up for easy downloading or printing in order to make learning, comparing, testing, buying, and using RFID equipment easier.

RFID Application Hub

All about RFID Applications like Race Timing & Asset Tracking

If you are looking to do more research on RFID applications, the RFID Application Hub is exactly where you need to be. The RFID Application Hub takes a new approach to RFID applications - instead of trying to fit your specific application into a pre-existing category, for example IT Asset Tracking, you have the option of choosing to learn about Asset Tracking or Inventory Tracking in general. Narrow down your search depending on your specific needs. Each page has key information, frequently asked questions/answers, and more resources like eBooks & articles about the application.

RFID Terminology

Frequently used RFID & IoT Terminology

Whether you are struggling between ‘Antenna’ and ‘Tag Antenna’ or stumbling over the concept of ‘Multipath’ – we understand. RFID is relatively new technology that is filled with enough new terms and concepts to fill a small dictionary. Instead of a dictionary, we have created one-page filled with RFID terminology that is continually updated. If you are new to RFID, this might be a good place for a bookmark (in our opinion).

YouTube Channel

Videos about RFID Concepts & Hardware

Our YouTube channel is filled with videos on RFID, including:

  • RFID Concepts
  • Hardware Unboxing
  • Setup Tutorials
  • RFID Application How-to's
  • Software Overviews and More

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