Access Control With RFID

RFID is commonly used to control access to different areas depending on a person or vehicle’s clearance or security levels. UHF RFID has been used in access control for years with success for buildings, parking lots, and security gates.

More recently, the same concept has been added to one-use or reusable wristbands for access to events, concerts, theme parks, private parties, bars, and private areas or tents inside venues. For smaller, secure items like cabinets, shelving, or refrigeration units, different types of RFID can be used as well, like Low-Frequency or High-Frequency.

If this is your first time learning about RFID, or if you need a refresher, checkout our Beginner’s Guide.

Access Control Examples

Parking Lots

Secure Buildings & Areas

Theme Parks & Restricted Areas

Why is RFID Used for Access Control?

Using RFID allows individuals to keep track of important information that is registered to a unique system. Without using a digital system, individuals would have to maintain and show visible evidence as proof of admission to guards or event staff frequently throughout each day or event. The hassle of maintaining paper tickets or badges along with cost of additional staff makes RFID a cost-effective and efficient option.

How is UHF RFID Used for Access Control?

When setting up an access control system, each RFID tag’s unique ID is entered into a database and is assigned security clearance depending on the recipient. Then, each hardware setup in a doorway, admission gate, or parking gate will read each tag and the software will determine if the tags have the appropriate permission to open the door or gate.

Why is Access Control with RFID Different from Other Primary Applications?

Using RFID for Access Control is similar to using RFID to Gather Data, with the addition of using software to make a decision based on pre-determined criteria. In these applications, saving data records of ID’s entering or exiting is not necessary for the system to work, but many companies prefer the record in case of incidents, such as theft in a secure building.

What Type of RFID is Typically Used for Access Control?

A few different types of RFID can be used for access control depending on required read range and functionality. Here is summary of the typical access control use cases for each type of RFID.

  • Low Frequency RFID is typically used for access to buildings, rooms, and cabinets.
  • High Frequency RFID is typically used to access buildings, events, and rooms.
  • Ultra-High Frequency RFID is typically used to access secure parking lots, roadways, and gated living neighborhoods.

Learn Even More About Access Control

Learn about companies that use RFID for this application, more about RFID frequencies used, and general application information!

Learn About RFID-Enabled Access Control Applications

Set up a neighborhood with secure access control upon all entries and exits. Coming soon

Create and manage secure rooms, buildings, and private areas.

Create and manage secure parking lots, decks, and restricted areas. Coming soon

Manage ticketing and special permissions like VIP access and payment options.



Shipment/Order Verification

Vehicle Identification


Near Field Communication (NFC)

Internet of Things (IoT)

Interact with Vehicles

Tracking Assets

File Tracking

Hospital Asset Tracking

IT Asset Tracking

Laundry & Textile Tracking

Preventative Maintenance

Returnable Transit Items (RTI)

Tool Tracking

Transportation Asset Management

Library Asset Management

Managing Inventory

Herd Management

Hospital Inventory Control

Luxury Inventory Tracking

Logistics & SCM

Retail Inventory Management

Vehicle Inventory Management

Data about People

Attendee Tracking

Race Timing

Sports Metrics

Tracking Attendance

Data about Objects

Telemetry & Sensor Monitoring


Vehicle Data

Access Control: Buildings

Access Control: Vehicles

Access Control: Neighborhoods

Event Management