Manage Assets & Inventory With RFID

RFID is commonly used to track and manage assets and inventory items across a variety of industries. By tagging an item with an RFID tag and either reading the tag with a handheld reader with an integrated antenna, or setting up an RFID system with read zones, companies are able to efficiently and effectivly locate and manage their items.

If this is your first time learning about RFID, or if you need a refresher, checkout our beginner’s guide to RFID.

Assets versus Inventory: What's the difference?


An asset is property owned by a company, regarded as having value and can be used to further the needs of the business.


An inventory item is a product that is available for resale and is tracked via stock levels. Raw materials used to manufacture goods are considered inventory.

Examples of Asset Tracking Applications

Laundry Tracking

IT Asset Management (ITAM)

Tool Tracking

Examples of Inventory Tracking Applications

Retail Inventory Management

Herd Management & Livestock Tracking

Hospital Supplies Control

Why Is It Important to Distinguish Assets Versus Inventory Items?

When setting up an RFID application to track items, it is important to know if the item will be tracked and managed throughout its lifespan, or the application must account for items coming in and leaving a facility.

An RFID application managing a fixed number of assets, is typically more focused on where the asset is in a facility or the asset’s usage.

An RFID application managing a consistently changing inventory, is typically more focused on the number of items in stock and how to best manage those numbers.

Why is UHF RFID Used for Managing Assets?

Assets typically need more rugged tags and/or longer range (BLE & other active technologies apply here, even GPS).

Why is UHF RFID Used for Managing Inventory?

The low cost per tag combined with the average read range of around 20 feet makes UHF RFID much better at tracking and managing general assets and inventory than other solutions like barcodes or GPS.

How is UHF RFID Used for Managing Assets & Inventory?

By placing an UHF RFID tag on an asset and outfitting an area with an RFID system, companies can accurately account for the general location of an asset. RFID Systems can be setup overhead or portals can be setup between areas to create ‘zones’. Additional equipment or technologies can provide more granularity by adding zones or methods like triangulation.

Asset Tracking

Learn more about RFID asset tracking and management and understand how this application can help you.

Learn About RFID-Enabled Asset Tracking Applications

Easily find and manage individual files to prevent the loss of important data.

Track and manage corporate owned IT assets like laptops, monitors, and phones within a building or warehouse.

Manage an inventory of tools in a cabinet or room, or on the go.

Keep track of reusable shipping assets in order to request asset returns or collect payment on lost assets.

Manage an inventory of educational assets that are continually borrowed and returned.

Track the location and usage of high value medical tools and equipment.

Track and manage company-owned laundry and textiles like sheets, curtains, or clothing items and costumes.

Keep and manage transportation related assets and their data.

Keep and manage maintenance and purchase data on individual assets within a facility.

Inventory Tracking

Learn more information about RFID inventory tracking and management and understand how this application can help you.

Learn About RFID-Enabled Inventory Tracking Applications

Uniquely identify and manage data related to cattle and other sellable livestock.

Receive reports on stock levels, reorder dates, and missing inventory within a healthcare facility.

Manage the flow of inventory in and out of a facility.

Manage and track individual pieces and sets of jewelry, and other high value luxury goods.

Create retail inventory visibility to prevent out-of-stocks and in store shrinkage.

Take fleet inventory and manage individual vehicles.



Shipment/Order Verification

Vehicle Identification


Near Field Communication (NFC)

Internet of Things (IoT)

Interact with Vehicles

Tracking Assets

File Tracking

Hospital Asset Tracking

IT Asset Tracking

Laundry & Textile Tracking

Preventative Maintenance

Returnable Transit Items (RTI)

Tool Tracking

Transportation Asset Management

Library Asset Management

Managing Inventory

Herd Management

Hospital Inventory Control

Luxury Inventory Tracking

Logistics & SCM

Retail Inventory Management

Vehicle Inventory Management

Data about People

Attendee Tracking

Race Timing

Sports Metrics

Tracking Attendance

Data about Objects

Telemetry & Sensor Monitoring


Vehicle Data

Access Control: Buildings

Access Control: Vehicles

Access Control: Neighborhoods

Event Management